750mlvodka1 bottle, or other plain spirit such as a grain alcohol, white rum at least 80 proof
1cupsugar200g, or more to taste
1cupwater240ml, or more, as needed
Wash the lemons well and remove the zest with a vegetable peeler. Turn over each piece and use a sharp knife to remove any white pith.
Put the pieces of lemon zest in a bottle or large jar and add the vodka or other alcohol. Leave to infuse in a cool place for at least 4 days, up to a month. Longer will give more flavor.
Make the simple syrup by putting the sugar and water in a saucepan and warming until the sugar dissolves. Leave to cool before adding to the infused alcohol.
Once the alcohol has infused and become slightly yellow in color, strain it with cheesecloth. You may need to strain more than once to remove all of the lemon zest.
Mix in the sugar syrup and taste. If you prefer it sweeter, make and add additional simple syrup until it is to taste. Transfer to small bottles, using canning procedures to ensure longer shelf life.
I'd recommend dividing this into smaller bottles to help it last longer, this way you can sterilize the bottles, fill and seal them and only open one at a time. And/or give some as gifts, of course.