1cupgreens30g, ideally Asian greens such as A-choy, or baby spinach good alternative
2scallionsspring onions
4oysters3-6 depending on size, chopped if larger
2eggslightly beaten
2tablespoonvegetable oil
For the sauce
Mix together all of the sauce ingredients and set aside. You may well not need all of it, but you can keep any leftover refrigerated for a good week or more and use another time.
For the omelette
Make sure you have everything prepared ahead of time as the omelette is a quick cook. First, soak the noodles in boiling water while you prepare the rest. Shred up the greens and thinly slice the scallions. Open the oysters, drain off the liquid and cut the oysters in to two or three pieces each, around 1in/2.5cm chunks. Lightly beat the eggs.
Warm the oil in a small-medium skillet or wok over a medium heat. Add the scallions and cook a minute. Drain the rice sticks and add them to the pan and stir a minute. Pour the eggs over the rice sticks and quickly add the oysters and greens, pressing them into the egg as needed. Reduce the heat a little if needed and cook for a couple of minutes until you can see it is cooked at the side, slightly brown underneath and firming up in the middle.
Using two spatulas, carefully flip the omelette over to cook the other side. Once the egg is gently browned on the other side, serve topped with some of the sauce.
Note nutritional info slightly inflated as includes all of sauce which you probably won't need.