Preheat the oven to 375F/190C.
Use the flat side of a mallet or a rolling pin to flatten out the chicken tenders a bit to make them relatively easy to roll. Cut each tender in half so you have two short-ish lengths from each. If using whole breasts, you will need to cut them probably in 4 or more pieces or, if serving as a main, you can just slit a pocket in the middle and fill it as a whole breast.
In a small skillet/frying pan, melt the butter over a medium heat then add the onion. Cook, stirring regularly, until it has softened but is not browning (if it starts to brown then reduce the heat).
Add the oatmeal and stir to mix through then remove from the heat.
Put a spoonful of the oatmeal mixture onto each piece of chicken, pressing it together a little, and carefully roll them up and place in an oven dish, join down. Don't worry if it leaks a little. Drizzle a little oil over the top of the pieces of chicken.
Bake the chicken for approx 30min until cooked through.
Meanwhile warm a small pan on the stove then add the whisky and set light to it, off the heat. Be VERY careful as you do as the flames can be very high - definitely don't look over the pan.
Once the flames have gone out, add the cream and put back over the heat. Once it has warmed, add the honey and mix in. Cook for around 10min at a gently simmer so the cream reduces a little. Add the cornstarch and cook a couple more minutes so it thickens a little more.
Serve the chicken pieces either with the sauce on the side for dipping, or poured over the top.